OT Con

OT Con (pronounced aht kahn), is a one day event that is dedicated to gaming in a quick hit style. BYOG (Bring Your Own Game) and play with your friends, both old and new.
Since this is only one day, we want to make the most of it, with multiple tables running all sorts of games, mostly supplied by you.

Is there a game on your shelf that you've been promising yourself to play, but life keeps getting in the way or you can't find a group?
This is that time, place, and group! This is your con!

Scheduled OT Con Events

OT Con Information

General Information

The rules below apply to all events facilitated by . These are strictly enforced, there are no exceptions. We are committed to the safety and enjoyment of all attendees.
  • OT Con is an event that is scheduled to make a wide variety of games available to facilitate or play in. There is a schedule of table openings, segmented into 2 hour blocks per table. To reserve a block, contact the staff at . You can schedule up to 2 consecutive blocks on a table for a single game (max 4 consecutive hours, sorry Twilight players).
    When you contact the event staff, put the event name in the subject line and include the table number, time slot, game name, your preferred facilitator name, your contact email (if different), minimum age to play, and the min/max number of players.
    You can only reserve a time slot on a table if you have already purchased a ticket to the event.
  • OT Con is an "analog" convention. All games must be in the category of board, RPG, card, or miniature. Video games are not permitted. However, games that make use of mobile apps, such as Wavelength or Alice is Missing, are permitted. When we say "video games", we mean don't spin up your laptop to play World of Warcraft or Fortnite, etc.
  • In order to give everyone an opportunity to facilitate a game, you can only schedule one game until 4 weeks prior to the OT Con event, and then you can schedule more time blocks, if they are available.
  • There are tables setup for general use. These are divided into R&R Tables and Open Game Tables.
  • R&R tables are tables are designated areas for eating, drinking, and non-gaming rest. Gaming is not prohibited, but it is "play at your own risk", as messes and spills may happen. If you want to protect your game components and boxes, then be careful if you open anything on these tables.
    Note: Not all events will have R&R tables.
  • Open Gaming tables are just that. If there is space at a table and you want to sit down and play, then go for it. However, please be mindful of other attendees and maybe don't keep a table all day. If you're looking to just "sit down" for a minute, head over to the R&R tables.
    Note: Not all events will have Open Gaming tables.
  • Food and open drinks are prohibited at the gaming tables, both reserved and open. This is to protect the games and components, and to be mindful of food intolerances and allergies of attendees.
  • Any games you bring are your responsibility. The event organizers at take no responsibility for the condition of the games before, during, or after the event.
  • Game trading and sales are prohibited while at the event venue, unless specifically organized for the event. If you arrange a trade or sale on your own, make the exchanges outside of the venue location. The event organizers at take no responsibility for trades or sales. Caveat emptor and caveat venditor!
  • Try to have games wrapped up and packed a few minutes before the end of the block time. The next game probably needs setup time. If you don't get to finish a game, that's sad. But at least you had fun while you played it, and that's happy!
  • Purchased tickets can be refunded up to the time allowed, per the policy on the event ticket purchase terms. No exceptions. Ejection from the event because of a rule violation is not refundable.
  • All attendees above the age of 5 require a ticket. No exceptions. You can purchase tickets "at the door", if there are spots left. Entry is prohibited until there is a confirmed ticket purchase. Generally, your phone is your badge. All attendees are required to present receipt of purchase when asked. Refusal to do so or no confirmation will result in ejection from the event.
  • Profanity is prohibited. Use of profanity will result in ejection from the event.
  • Lewdness is prohibited. Lewdness will result in ejection from the event.
  • Violence is prohibited. Violence will result in ejection from the event.
  • All weapons are prohibited. Posession of weapons will result in ejection from the event. Weapons include costume/foam, real, firearms, knives/blades, staffs, sticks, mace/sprays, and/or anything that can be used to cause bodily harm to another person or yourself. Leave it in the car or don't bring it at all.
  • Respect everyone's personal space and boundaries. Violation of a person's boundaries will result in ejection from the event.
  • Some RPGs are more adult themed. While these are not strictly prohibited, refer to the rules above about profanity, lewdness, and boundaries. The rules for those apply both in and out of game situations.
  • When playing an RPG, have a conversation with the group about the type of tone, theme, and boundaries everyone is comfortable with. Employ safety tools, when appropriate.
  • While cosplay is not strictly prohibited, the focus of these events is gaming. Please refer to the rules above for bondaries, lewdness, and weapons.
    Cosplay is not consent.